You are here: Device > Add Device

Add New Device

This section allows to add new Devices in IXM WEB. There are two steps involved while adding a new Device - 1) Discover or locate the Device and, 2) Register the Device.


This section consists of the following tabs:

Screen Layout of Discover


Field Description of Discover

The Discover tab is used to add a new Device either by auto detecting it on the network, by entering its IP address or by using its Serial Communication.



Auto Discover

Select this option by clicking on it if you want the application to automatically find the Devices which are currently online on the network in IXM WEB. These devices can be connected to the network either via Ethernet or via Wi-Fi with SSL enabled or disabled.


NOTE To search Devices in SSL mode, click on Search on SSL option first and then click on Auto Discover option. Otherwise, keep the box blank.


As a result, the application will start searching for devices.



After completing the search, the application shows all the Devices on the network.



Information Already registered devices will be shown as grayed out with a tick mark in their respective boxes.


Click on the Device that you want to add. The application will redirect to Register tab.


For queries, please refer our FAQ document...



Select this option by clicking on it if you want to find the Device by entering its IP address manually. You can use IP address in two ways -

  1. Using the IP range of the Device(s) – You can provide the IP address range to discover Devices in the network within that range.

  2. Using a specific IP address of the Device – You can use a specific IP address to find a particular device in the network in case of a static IP (which is known to you).

Following fields will be displayed -

Start IP:

Enter the starting IP address of the Device if you want to enter the range of IP address. Otherwise, enter the static IP address.

End IP:

Enter the ending IP address of the Device if you want to enter the range of IP address. In case of static IP address, keep this field blank.


Enter the Port number of the Device.

Search on SSL

Select the checkbox by clicking on it if the Device is in SSL mode. Otherwise, keep the checkbox blank.

Click on Search button to search Devices as per entered criteria.


After completing the search, the application will show the Device list.


Information Already registered devices will be shown as grayed out with a tick mark in their respective boxes.


Click on the Device that you want to add. The application will redirect to Register tab.


For queries, please refer our FAQ document...



Select this option by clicking on it if you want to find the Device by using its Serial Communication.


Device registration using serial communications is a very important and critical procedure for all Invixium products. There are two ways to register a device:

  1. Register a device using USB Aux/RS-232

  2. Register a device using RS-485

A list of communication ports on which Devices are connected will be displayed as follows -



The following fields will be displayed -


Click on the checkbox to select the communication port on which the Device that has to be added is connected. Keep the checkbox blank if you do not want to add the Device connected on this port.


Baud rate:

Click on the box to select the Baud rate from the given list or select 'Auto'.


Select the checkbox by clicking on it if you want to register the Device using RS-485. Otherwise, keep it blank.

Start ID:

Information This field will be enabled only when RS-485 is selected.
Enter the starting ID of RS-485.

End ID:

Information This field will be enabled only when RS-485 is selected.
Enter the ending ID of RS-485.

Click on Search button to search Devices as per entered criteria.



After completing the search, the application will show the Device list.



Information Already registered devices will be shown as grayed out with a tick mark in their respective boxes.


Click on the Device that you want to add. The application will redirect to Register tab.


Screen Layout of Register



Once a Device is selected, it needs to be registered. Following screen will be displayed with default settings. You can change them as per requirement.

Field Description of Register



Displays the default name of the Device. You can change it.


Device ID:

Enter the Device ID. It should be unique.


Device Group:

Denotes the Group of the Device.
Click on the box to select the Device Group from the given list. If only one Device Group is defined, it will be displayed by default.

Device Mode:

Click on the box to select the Mode of Device from the list.


Select Entry if the Device will be used at the time of entry. Select Exit if the Device will be used at the time of exit. Select Both if the Device will be used for both entry and exit.

T & A Device


NOTE This option will be visible only if IXM Time license is purchased.


It denotes whether Time and Attendance feature should be available on the Device or not.


Click on the checkbox to enable or disable the feature. A check mark in the box indicates the feature is enabled.



The DHCP feature is enabled by default. It will automatically detect and display the IP address, subnet mask, and gateway of the Device.


Click on the checkbox to disable the feature. As a result, you will be able to enter the static IP address, and other related information.


IP Address:

Displays the IP address of the Device.


You can change the IP address if DHCP feature is disabled.



Displays the Port number of the Device.


You can change the Port number if DHCP feature is disabled.


Subnet Mask:

Displays the Subnet Mask of the Device.


You can change the Subnet Mask if DHCP feature is disabled.



Displays the Gateway address of the Device.


You can change the Gateway address if DHCP feature is disabled.

Click on Register button to register the Device. The application will redirect to Summary tab.

Screen Layout of Summary


Field Description of Summary

Upon completion, general information about the new Device will be displayed here.


Click on Add New button to add another Device or click on Done button to complete the process and the new Device will be displayed in the Device List.